Thursday, March 09, 2006


The Life of Brian (1979)

Stars: Monty Python
Director: Terry Jones

It’s not hard to see why this comedy was banned in more deeply religious countries – it is ruthless in its satire of theology, particularly religious fanaticism.

The Monty Python crew introduce us to Brian, the bastard son of a Roman soldier and a Jewish woman, who is born on the same day as Jesus. The Three Wise Men mistakenly bring their gifts to Brian before realising their error and taking them back.

Because of his hatred for the Romans, Brian joins the People’s Front of Judea and tries to bring down the Roman Empire – but when his band of revolutionaries run into another group (The Judean People’s Front) they end up fighting each other rather than their common enemy. Brian finds himself a reluctant martyr, crucified and singing a Pythonised version of “The Bright Side of Life”.

While some of the religious factions this movie was parodying have taken on different forms or disappeared altogether, its comments on the disorganised, bureaucratic nature of “organised” religion and the unthinking willingness of disciples to read spiritual significance into everyday events are scathing. This is offset by the Pythons’ trademark ridiculousness, such as the famous “Biggus Dickus” sketch. Arguably the best of the Monty Python films.
VERDICT: 4/5 stars

DISC QUALITY Not superb for what is a widely admired movie. The picture is slightly grainy and the sound certainly has its limitations.

THE PYTHONS A BBC documentary filmed on location in Tunisia back in 1979. We’re given a snapshot of where each cast member was before the formation of Monty Python, what they’ve done since, and their attitude towards getting back together for the movie. Often amusing and quite valuable.

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