Thursday, March 09, 2006


Armour of God (1987)

Starring: Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Rosamund Kwan, Lola Forner
Director: Jackie Chan

It’s a popular pastime pointing out all the creative ideas western cinema stole from Hong Kong, but it was hardly a one-way street. For proof you need look no further than Armour of God (1987), which was a kissing cousin in tone, plot and sets to Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984).

Jackie Chan (playing a character called Jackie, how inventive) is a fortune hunter whose girlfriend is kidnapped by a religious cult. He infiltrates their secret society to effect a rescue and also get his hands on some unique treasure.

As far as movies go, Armour of God isn’t much. Really, it’s a bunch of brilliant fight scenes tacked together with boring dialogue. Of all Chan’s Hong Kong movies, this is the one that benefits most from the fast forward button so you can get to the good parts.

VERDICT: 2.5/5

5/5 The Empire Strikes Back
4/5 Star Wars
3/5 Revenge of the Sith
2/5 Attack of the Clones
1/5 The Phantom Menace

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